Tag Archives: haunted mansion

Hannah House

Indianapolis, Indiana

On one tragic night, a group of slaves, cramped into a dark dirt-floored cellar, sit waiting for the right time to leave their hiding spot in the Hannah House, and head for the freedom of Canada. One of them unknowingly tips over an oil lamp, instantly igniting a fire that traps them there; many to be killed by smoke inhalation and burns within only a few minutes. The dead are buried in the very cellar that claimed their lives, in an attempt to cover up any trace of this incident as quickly as possible…

This story is not only true, it happened in this very house. And ever since then, the cellar of the Hannah House has been a known area for paranormal activity. Spectral slaves have been witnessed by several people, hiding in the shadows, moans and voices have been heard, and cold spots have been felt. It seems that some of the slaves killed on that night may have stayed around, still hiding in the safety of the basement that protected them in life.

Some of the ghosts at this historic house are said to be hidden slaves, one of whom accidentally tripped over a lamp, igniting a fire. Those killed were said to be buried in the very cellar where it happened. Witnesses have described a lot of activity in the cellar, including apparitions of slaves, moans and groans, and cold spots. Former owner Mr. Hannah himself also has been seen upstairs and on the balcony, and an older woman’s apparition has been seen here as well.



The Governor’s Mansion

Jefferson City, Mo

The ghost of nine year-old Carrie Crittenden, the daughter of Thomas Crittenden, supposedly at one time haunted the attic. She died in 1883 during a diphtheria outbreak. In 1883, during the tenure of Christopher Bond, a repairman came down from the attic and mentioned that their daughter had been up there all day with him. When informed that the Bond’s did not have children, the repairman left without finishing his work. She hasn’t been seen since. Other paranormal activity include objects moving, barely audible voices, and ripples of laughter that seem to move up and down the stairs, and footsteps that are heard in carpeted areas where actual footfalls would be silent.