Tag Archives: haunted railroad tracks

Zombie Road

Ellisville, Mo

Also known as Lawford Road. An eerie, spooky road that winds its way through the hills of Ellisville and the shore of the Meremac River. Many people who go there don’t get much footage, they mainly hear sounds of unknown origin. It is also known to be extremely foggy and super dark. Passerby’s have felt weird chills, feelings of severe depression, and, as they venture onto the roadway, the feeling of being watched. They hear footsteps and voices as if they’re being followed. There are a couple of legends that exist on Zombie Road. Years ago, when the trains were operational through there, Della Hamilton McCullough was hit by a rail car and it is thought her spirit is the one haunting the railroad tracks. From time to time, people see her walking by the tracks and being hit. Those who claim to have seen it say that the phantom glows with bluish-white light but always disappears if anyone tries to approach it.

Another story goes that some teenagers were rock climbing on the cliffs near the road. One of the kids fell to the ground and broke his neck. The others apparently left him there to rot. Police have supposedly confirmed the story about the teenager falling and dying. He haunts the area where he died and chases away trespassers. Another spooky thing about the road is that it never looks the same shape or the same length twice, even on the return trip. People have said that they felt the road would never end and that they would go on forever into deep darkness.


Wilcox Road Railroad Tracks

Located in Poplar Bluff, Mo
Once you turn on Wilcox road, after about 1/4 of a mile the road will fork and you need to go left at the fork. The road is curvy and paved, but after a few miles it turns into gravel. Once the road turns to gravel go forward for about another mile till you come to a railroad crossing. Most people do this at midnight, but people have reported seeing spirits as early as 10 pm. The story goes that in the early 1900’s a train de-railed killing most of it’s passengers. But many odd things turned up once they began to investigate the wreck. A few things were that a woman had been pregnant when she was killed in the wreck and once they found her, the baby was missing out of her womb. Another man had become decapitated during the wreck and the police could never find his head. So once you get to the railroad track you pull onto the tracks and shut off your car. Your windows start to fog up very quickly and you can hear a train whistle in the background, it gets louder…then stops. You will often also see a light when you look down the train tracks. While sitting in the car you will hear something tap on your window and if your brave enough to look outside a woman will be standing there asking you where her baby is. And for the extremely brave, if you decide to get out of you car you will see a decapitated man in the ditch searching for his head, many people have saw this.

Haunted Railroad Tracks

Located in Dumas, Mo

In northeast Missouri there are train tracks that are haunted by a headless woman that died in a train wreck many years ago. At least every night she appears around 11:00pm every night in the tunnel below the tracks. The train wreck that spurned the headless woman story occurred in late summer, or early fall of 1892, with sketchy fatality lists stating approx. 13-27 deaths, many being thrown into the river. Therefore, the wreck occurred near the river overpass nearly 1/2 mile from the tunnel underpass. They believe the woman’s head was lost to the river and now she eternally seeks it. She walks in the fall, mostly. When she passes through you, you will feel like a thousand icicles stabbing through you. Also, there is a cemetery south of Dumas, mostly Catholic burials, with one being a 104 year old woman from Ireland. A visitor was "attacked" by the presence of something malicious there one night and it took a Christian psychic to remove the spirit as it was feeding off their energy. Whatever dwells outside this cemetery is neither human nor animal but something from a dark place. The tunnel underpass itself is benign, only haunted by ignorant teenagers who deface it with their graffiti. There is a small dwelling adjacent to the tunnel where a huge, mean dog lived, now dead. His ghost still roams there. It has orange, glowing eyes. There are also several dead babies buried around the area. A woman kept having miscarriages and her husband buried the corpses all around the area. In the 1950’s, a man committed suicide in the forest near the river by drinking poison and his body or skeleton, rather, was found sitting under a tree.