Ballwin Manor

Ballwin, Mo

One of the more haunted locations in Missouri. The apparition of a man has also been seen on the stairs. Human apparitions, objects moving, windows being smashed out, are just some of the paranormal events that go here. Some neighbors claim they receive unwanted guests from this site in their homes, and one neighbor described slamming on the brakes of their car, after driving through three white apparitions on the road.

The Headless Cobbler

In the 1920’s the area around a small cave, known locally as Smallett’s Cave, had an unusual haunting. As told in The Headless Cobbler of Smallett Cave, two women were walking near dark along Spring Creek when a man stepped out from the side of the road. He was headless, had shoes around his neck and a Bible on his shoulder. The women ran off as fast as they could, but the apparition appeared again to two boys. They were riding their horses along the creek near the cave, when the horses reared. In the road was a being that floated above the ground.

Another man reported that he was riding with a friend, when a horse galloped towards them and rode between the men at full speed guided by a rider without a head. The ghost apparently lives in a cave, where he can be heard tapping away as he cobbles shoes. Strange lights have been reported near the cave and some report that the ghost carries a lantern.

Baring Hotel

Baring, Mo

Originally built to provide overnight stays for the Santa Fe railroad train crew, it eventually became a boarding house. The building is believed to be haunted by several apparitions, who are believed to be associated the building as it changed hands and uses over the many years of its occupation.

The first is believed to be a former banker who was murdered in the hotel. Passing motorists and pedestrians have seen an elderly man in a trenchcoat ascending a flight of steps in front of the building, who suddenly vanishes into thin air. The second apparition is that of a young girl in a white dress, who has been seen playing in the hotel hallways. The third is a sombre woman in period clothing, who has been seen staring down into the street with a saddened expression on her face. Late at night, local residents have heard scream coming out of the building, but upon investigation have found nothing.