Satan’s Tunnel

Hawk Point, Mo

There are many stories about this supposedly haunted *Satan’s Tunnel* To get there from Warrenton You take hwy. 47 to the four way crossing (right goes to troy) forward goes nowhere and left goes to hawk point. Take this curvy road till there’s a huge cornfield and a sign on the left saying *tunnel road*. Follow this road to the very end. Legend goes that the land that the road is on was owned by devil worshippers…. and long ago above the tunnel at the end of this road was a railroad track and a guy crossing the tracks got hit and was thrown to the bottom of the tunnel and was killed. His ghost is known to haunt the tunnel still. In the seventies some kids were checking out the tunnel and found an old bum taking shelter inside the tunnel and talked to him a bit and he told the story of the ghostly man in the 
tunnel and if you walk through the tunnel quietly you can hear the whistle of the train still. The next day police found the bum dead inside the tunnel his face frozen with fear and cause of death unknown. The caution tape is still seen where they never did take it down. Story goes there’s a graveyard and a witches house in the woods. There is also reported to be a haunted graveyard and a witches house in the woods. Lots of evil activity reported here. There is also a house with a big window. Supposedly there is a lady in a red dress, sitting in a rocking chair, in that big window.

Bothwell Regional Health Center

Sedalia, Mo

Reported to be haunted by the spirit of “Red” a nurse that worked there in the 1950’s and 60’s. She died in a car wreck in the mid 60’s. She is seen wearing the old nurse’s uniform with hat and is often seen pushing a gurney on the third floor where she had worked. She has also been seen standing by patients and walking into other rooms.

Old Antonia Cemetery

Antonia, Mo

It’s a very small cemetery and its located right off Old Antonia Road. The people buried there are family members of the founders of Antonia and other important people to the city way back in the day. It supposedly has a lot of activity and one of the trees in the cemetery was supposed to have weird activity associated with it.
